I am not your propaganda
I am not your enemy
I am not your fear tactic
I am not your scapegoat
My life is not your joke
My life is not a lie
My life is not marketable
My life is mine
My life won’t be harmed
For-profit or politics
From the dawn of humans
My life has existed
From religion to empire
we have been here
I will not be hurt
I won’t let you hurt The people I know
For reasons of “safety”
I won’t hurt you
My trans friends
My gay friends
My nonbinary friends
I will fight till my last breath
For their freedoms
A lover of men
A failure as a romantic
I will die on this hill
No one will take The rights I have
For reasons such as distaste
Straight I am not
Cis I am not
I refuse to be both by government mandate
A weird mixture
Not looking for a normal life
Trying to fight for an exotic life
Fighting for the lives of others
And the right to be free
I do not want to be your enemy
I am not your enemy
I do not want you as an enemy
You are not my enemy
I will not be your propaganda
I will not be your enemy
I will not be your fear tactic
I will not be your scapegoat
I will not be your profit
I will not be your campaign slogan
I will not be your tool
I will not be your advertisement
I am not your propaganda
I am not your enemy
I am not your fear tactic
I am not your scapegoat