The Conifer High School French trip has become a Conifer tradition for the students who signed up and participated in Jennifer Ahnert’s French class. This trip was planned by the French teacher, Jennifer Ahnert, and she has been running this event from 2005 to 2024 and has plans to continue it.
This trip will take place during spring break and this year the trip falls between March 18, 2024, and March 22.
The places students participating will travel to Paris, Italy, Rome, and Monaco. The class has spent several days finalizing the details of the trip and students have begun making slideshows to represent the French cultures, and dig deeper into the arts of Paris, Italy, Rome, and Monaco.
“The kids have leadership roles, so they’ve been doing little presentations on where we’re going to be visiting and what we’re going to see and do. We talk about behavior contracts, we talked about euros, taking the train, how the phone functions internationally, and lots and lots of different things,” Ahnert said.
Although the trip only lasts a week, the students participating will do multiple activities, and explore the culture that they have spent lots of time learning about. Some of the activities include learning how to make pasta, exploring the town, and shopping.
“We have I believe 12. It’s a small group. It’s the perfect size. Not too big, not too small. Perfect,” Ahnert said.
For the past few weeks, the kids have had the opportunity to go to the French room during Loop to talk about the trip and gather information they need to know before they go.
“Everyone has to make a presentation on a place that they have been really excited about going to,” freshman Alana Radtke said. “I’m very excited because I haven’t been to these places before and it’s going to be a new experience for me.”
Ahnert has taken many student groups to France and has herself been to France more than 20 times.
“We are so excited for the trip that’s coming up because now it’s in less than 45 days. So now it feels real. We just had a meeting during lab for the people that are going so it’s very exciting,” Ahnert said.
Alongside Ahnert, multiple students have helped to plan and organize the trip which has been in the making since the spring of 2023, when sign-ups started.
“Yeah I hear that the people going on the trip are super excited. I am not able to go but many people going have talked to me about it saying that they are super pumped,” freshman Hailey Scott said.