Coffee vs. Tea
Photo courtesy of Sierra Bartt
Both coffee and tea are popular drinks. At Conifer, most students prefer to drink tea. “I think it’s better for me to drink tea. I mostly drink coffee for the caffeine,” sophomore Coral Basinger said.
As anyone enters a cafe they must decide on a beverage and the question becomes, “What do I want to drink?” Approaching the counter still contemplating what to order, scanning the list of drinks, the customer opens their mouth to order.
According to an informal poll of 105 students, 64.4% of them would say that they would rather drink tea over coffee. If that’s chai or green, in the brief glimpse into the CHS community, it is clear to see that tea is favored within the student body.
“I prefer tea because there are so many different kinds,” sophomore Tabitha Fritts said. “There are certain types of tea that can relieve stress, some that can help you sleep, and many other kinds with different properties.”
According to Joseph Cuevas at, Millennials, as a group, have shown tea is becoming more and more popular as coffee becomes less and less. Although most of those surveyed drink coffee, almost every single one would put that coffee down for an Arizona Iced Tea©.
“I think it’s better for me to drink tea. I mostly drink coffee for the caffeine,” sophomore Coral Basinger said.
Coffee is not as healthy as tea. According to Sara Novak at, coffee is known to increase chances of brittle or fragile bones, cause wrinkles, and it can even cause weight gain.
“I prefer coffee because it wakes me up and helps me through the day,” junior Johnna Smith said.
Though the less popular choice, according to Novak, coffee improves memory and reduces the risk of diabetes.
A small portion of the CHS student body prefers tea over coffee, but they drink coffee more. This is because coffee has extreme amounts of caffeine. One could say it’s a tool to get through the day.