Daisy’s Beach Bash
Sophomore Spencer Peesel is helping ref on the sidelines as the teams play. Peesel plays for L3 on the Conifer volleyball team, but she is here to support Firey. “I thought this was a great opportunity for us to look out and see what we could do for someone else,” Eddy said.
Last Saturday, Conifer High School contrasted the winter wonderland outside with its palm trees, leis, and tropical drinks scattered amongst the auxiliary gym. Lady Lobos Volleyball hosted a Hawaiian-themed volleyball tournament ironically named a ‘Beach Bash’. However the event was not just an escape from the long Colorado winters, but a fundraiser organized by the Lobo’s volleyball team to offer support to a teammate in need.

“When I heard about what happened with Daisy, I thought this was an awesome opportunity for the girls to come together and do something for someone else.” Head Volleyball Coach Laurie Eddy said. “I’m not just about coaching good volleyball or winning. I want to be a person who helps to facilitate a mature and outward-looking behavior.”
L3 player and sophomore, Daisy Firey, recently lost her home to a fire. No one in her family was injured, but their home was destroyed. Conifer’s volleyball program rallied together to create a fundraiser to help her and her family get back on their feet.

“I love Daisy and I really liked that Coach Eddy came up with this idea,” Sophomore Zoie Quihuiz said. “The tournament is all day long and people can just come in and donate. We’re just having a good time here.”
Though only the seniors were allowed to participate, the rest of the younger players helped referee the matches. Parent volunteers helped by bringing food to sell at the concession stand and collecting the ten-dollar spectator fee. Teams emerged from different areas of the state, two from Denver, one from Evergreen, and two from Conifer. With the admission fee of 100 dollars per team, the entry of all these teams alone raised 500 dollars for Fiery.

Sophomores Maddy Fletcher and Zoie Quihuiz are at the event to support Daisy Firey. They both play volleyball for Conifer High School and are at the event doing jobs such as scorekeeping and reffing. But the main reason they are there is to support their friend. “I hope that as a community, we can come together and raise money for her,” Quihuiz said.
(Ellie Chase)
“I think [fundraising] is a good thing. It’s always nice to be able to support someone. The way I got into volleyball and most of the games I’ve played have been about fundraising, so that’s really awesome,” Player Eric Hunsberger said. “It’s always good to come out and have fun, but even better if you’re helping someone.”
Hunsberger has been playing volleyball for 17 years and came out to support Daisy and play his sport. But other players came to enjoy the Hawaiian theme. For player Brian Violamo, this was an opportunity to connect to his roots.

“Being from Hawaii, I miss all my family and miss the food, the camaraderie, and the welcoming of my culture,” Violamo said.
But regardless of the reason that brought people to the event all attendance helped to support Daisy and her family. Eddy estimates that at least 750 dollars were raised by the event.
“I think it’s really cool that a bunch of people came out for me. A lot of our coaches have gathered, it’s really nice,” Fiery said. “This fundraiser can really help my family with clothes and other things like that.”
As well as raising money and having a good time, Eddy hopes that an event like this has taught the players about rallying as a team to support one another.
“Volleyball has so many life lessons. As I said, it’s not just about being a good volleyball player, but it’s about being a good person,” Eddy said. “I hope that this is a lasting memory that all the girls have, of pulling together and doing something good for somebody.”