Tri-M Musicthon Event Postponed Until Further Notice
Tri-M Music Honors Society postponed their musicthon event until further notice because of a shortage in interest and participation.
Sean Cartner, director of instrumental music and sponsor of Tri-M, made the final decision regarding the Musicthon.
Tri-M’s first major event was a 24-hour live-streamed event where different musicians in Conifer would perform from 5 p.m on Friday to 5 p.m on Saturday in 30-minute segments. The event was being called a Musicthon and was raising money for the Save the Music Foundation.
However, on Monday, January 10th the event was officially postponed by instrumental music director, Sean Cartner, and members of the Tri-M program.
“It would have been a lot of fun and we’re looking forward to getting it started sometime in the future,” Cartner said.
The event was postponed due to a lack of interest and sign-up from donors and musicians.
“We weren’t at a point where we had enough musicians who were willing to participate in the Musicthon,” club secretary Carley Getz said.
Tri-M Music Honors Society club president, Ashley O’Neal, said that the last time she checked the sign-up sheet there were only a few people who had signed up for a slot. Tri-M would have needed around 48 participants to fill the entire 24-hour event. Even with Cartner and other club members planning on participating, there were not enough volunteers.
“It’s not anyone’s fault, this just wasn’t the year for it and that was made clear,” Getz said.
The club is still planning on running the event sometime next year when Tri-M is more stable.
“I’m sad about it because it was going to be a really fun event, but I also think it was kind of a tall order to pull off because it was one of our first events,” O’Neal said.
Next year the club plans on making a few improvements to the event to garner more interest.
“I think we’re going to start getting the word out a little earlier and just make sure people know about it and make it clearer what exactly performing entails,” O’Neal said.
The delay of the event does not mean, however, that the club is done hosting school events this year. In March Tri-M is planning on hosting a music themed spirit week. They are also planning on doing outdoor performances at nursing homes as well as going to West Jefferson Middle School and helping the music program there.
The Musicthon’s being postponed gives the club time for other activities and takes off the stress of such a large event.
“I think we’re all a little bit relieved because then that’s one big event that we don’t have to focus on. We can focus on school and other things for right now,” Getz said, “especially because we are really in the midst of concert season with all of the different [musical] ensembles.”
Students interested in the event and other Tri-M activities can find more information on the instrumental music Instagram and website.