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The Voice of Conifer High School

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CHS Today

Reward poster issued by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. Anything submitted to this tip line could be helpful in the investigation. “Nobody really expects to be in a situation where you’re always waiting for the next turn of events. It’s kind of accepting a new normal in life where potentially there might not be concrete answers, but at the same time not losing hope that perhaps someone will speak forward and shed light on the case,” Lynna Long said.

Remembering Maggie Long

Ellie Chase, Editor In Chief
March 13, 2025
Cassidy Vallin (Left) and Bryan Connolly (Right) from Circus Foundry dance as a part of their show during the opening ceremony of Conifer High School’s 9th annual Peace Day. Circus Foundry is a Denver-based contemporary circus that formed to share their art, help others in the process, and support local under-represented demographics in community gatherings. “Our main goal with your show was to be able to share the excitement of what the circus brings to people throughout the world,” Vallin said.

Kaleidoscope of Perspective

Kanin Cadam, Reporter/Photographer
March 10, 2025
Evelyn Seevers drills new holes into a piece of metal for Team Blitz’s robot. With the goals of being more precise in their measurements and cuts, it is very important as to not drill in the wrong spots or have too wide of a diameter for the hole in order to ensure that the robot will run as smoothly as possible.

Reaching for the Top

Waylon Keane, Reporter
March 9, 2025
The front desk of the Ripple restaurant, formerly known as JJ Madwell’s, is a temporary feature. A more robust entryway is planned in what Ripple hopes will improve the customer experience and make Ripple a more inviting location for Conifer residents. However, due to issues with permits, Ripple will be focusing on the outside of the building for now. “We might not be able to touch the building this year,” Lole said. “So we are going to be putting most of the money into the patio.”

What’s Next for Ripple?

Erich Bohn, Reporter
March 7, 2025
On February 4th, Conifer FCA met for a lesson with senior Payden Devaney and played a game hosted by sophomore, Abigail Leidel. Devaney spoke about how to not only continue your faith through athletics but to embrace it. Leidel came up with a game she called, “Who can grab the water bottle first.” The game was simple: place a water bottle in between two players while they are playing “Simon Says” and when Leidel said, “Water Bottle” whoever grabbed the water bottle first won. Winners of the game continued to go against each other until there was one player left. “Being the Activities Director has always been fun. I think after we talk about something more serious being able to then have fun shows especially new Christians that you can have fun and be a Christian which I think is a big misconception that most people have. They also build the community and keep people coming back,” Leidel said.

Continuing Christianity

Emily Bunchman, Reporter
February 27, 2025
A ball hits a troll popup in the pinball game, “Medieval Madness.” The game was one of the 40 machines that were part of the Colorado State Pinball Championship held at Blizzard Mountain Pinball in Conifer. Every year, the championship rotates between locations and ensued despite the snow as state must be held on the same date across all states. “The player base, the talent pool, and the quality of tournaments here in North America are just much higher than outside of it,” IFPA State Representative for Colorado Snow Galvin said.

Practice, Patience, Passion, Prizes

Kanin Cadam, Reporter/Photographer
February 19, 2025
Junior Avery LeRoy reading in the Learning Center. As a tutor in the Learning Center, LeRoy checks in on students and keeps them on track, providing support while possible. Tutors also use the period to study and get their own work done, providing an example for the students in the Learning Center. “I'm hoping that I can have helped some people and hopefully improve my own study habits,” LeRoy said.

Support in Small Places

Kanin Cadam, Reporter
February 3, 2025
On January 18th around 8:30 pm, the TikTok app went dark. When users opened the app this screen became available informing them of the new TikTok ban. “I didn’t think that TikTok was going to come back this fast, if I knew I probably wouldn’t have deleted it,” Sophomore Penelope Dickinson said. The app then reappeared later on January 19th.

TikTok Keeps Ticking

Emily Bunchman, Reporter
January 27, 2025
With the deadline for TikTok coming quickly this Sunday, January 19th some users have been using their remaining TikTok time, while others are resorting back to other apps. Although recent news says that there will be a 270 day delay to the ban, most users have said that they will wait until Sunday to see what happens. “I heard about the 270 day delay for the TikTok ban and I’m just really hoping it’s right. I don’t know what I’d do without TikTok,” sophomore Zoe Proctor said.

The TikTok Takedown

Emily Bunchman, Reporter
January 17, 2025
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