Conifer Loses to Littleton
Conifer’s Girls Basketball lost their match against Littleton on February 1.
Kiki Pell attempts to get a final shot in the last 14 seconds of the first half. While she was unsuccessful, the team continued to play as best they could, despite their limited time and losing score.
On February 1, Conifer High School’s Girls Varsity Basketball team played a home game against Littleton High School. Conifer lost the game 21 to 58.
“I felt that as a team we were given the short end of the stick. Not only was Littleton a top 5 ranked team but we’ve had about half our girls out sick or just not able to make it. So given our circumstances I think we did the best we could,” senior Reagan Pell said.
Last year, Littleton was placed 2nd in the Jeffco area and 48th of 336 Colorado teams, winning 14 out of 19 games.
Girls on the team say their weakest points were passing, fundamentals, and overall team work.
“The more we play as a team the more we understand the game of basketball and the better we can become,” Pell said.

Conifer High School is placed 11th in Jeffco and won 3 out of 17 games.
“Even though we aren’t great, we’ve grown a lot as a team since last year. This season has been pretty good and we have good coaches. We’ve won more games and we’ve all grown a lot,” sophomore Eleanor Sikora said.
Before the season started the team had been working on shooting, form, conditioning, dribbling, and post moves. Many of the girls on the team joined because they wanted to stay fit for other sports, such as softball, but it seems that they have found relative success compared to last year where the team’s record was 1-17. This seems to have lead to greater confidence among the team. Despite their loss, the team still seems to be in good spirits; they continue to practice and prepare for their next match.
“Overall this season has felt like a good starting point. We’ve got brand new players and coaches so it really is a fresh start to rebuild the program to what it had been before,” Pell said.

Their next game is a league tournament at Wheat Ridge High School, 0n February 15th at 5:30 p.m.