The Communities that Care
A coalition called Jefferson County Communities that Care works with over 100 community members who are working to improve the district. One person who works with the organization is Emily Merewether. Merewether works with Conifer High School’s radio team as the coalition provides underwriting support to keep Lobo Life on the air.
The organization has several focuses, almost all of which affect teenagers. They provide statistics on the issues to spread positive information all while working towards solutions.
Merewether said, “We use a structured, evidence-based community change process focused on preventing substance misuse, sexual/relationship violence, and hopelessness/anxiety among youth in our community by reducing risk factors and improving protective factors.”
They provide information that shines a light on the positive information gathered from surveys issued to Jeffco students every two years. They are still waiting on 2021’s data, but the numbers from 2019 are available on their website.
Jefferson County CTC said, “70% of Jeffco high school students do not use alcohol.”
Merewether explained how many teenagers assume that the frequency of substance use is higher than it actually is. She believes that the data will only improve as their coalition continues to make progress.
Teenagers who are interested in getting involved can find more information at: