The Show Must Go On

“The Trail to Oregon” re-opens for a two-day run on May 15/16

Logan Wilson

Maddie Potter, sophomore, reacts to senior Justice Steele during a scene in “The Trail to Oregon.” Tickets are still available for this weekend’s show.

The Conifer Theater Company had hopes to put on a play, “The Oregon Trail” this spring. Things were going well and the theater was going through with rehearsals, which was very positive and fun according to the director, E.P. Archer. 

Unfortunately, however, the play was canceled after their opening night on April 23rd and the cast was not able to continue the planned showings on the 24th and 25th. There was a positive COVID-19 case within the school which affected the cast and led to the cancellation.

The play has been rescheduled to the weekend of May 15th and 16th. Those who purchased tickets for the original showings will be able to apply their tickets to the new dates.

The show they are putting on is unique and interactive with the audience. They are performing the show based upon the game that was released in 1985. The game allowed for the customization of names and various other aspects, which they will be recreating by allowing for the audience to “name the wagon party and choose their fate”. 

This show is especially important to the community as it will be a way to reconnect with the theatre in ways that still fit COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions.   

It is beyond fortunate that the cast and crew has stuck with the play and are continuing to ensure the play goes through and people can come in to see it. They have put so much hard work into the show and because of their motivation and efforts, the show will go on.