School Spirit . . . and racism?
Conifer Student Government changes Friday’s spirit week theme
Banners in the commons announce themes for Homecoming Week.
School Spirit… and Racism?
Conifer Student Government changes Friday’s spirit week theme
By Maya Dawson
The themes for each day of spirit week, October 14-19, were posted in the commons last week. For the pep assembly on Friday the Freshmen and Sophomores were requested to dress in white clothing, while the Juniors and Seniors were asked to wear black clothing for “Blackout/Whiteout Day.” Administration has since removed this theme from spirit week altogether.
“Mr. Paxton and I sat down and talked about it and decided it didn’t sound right,” Cassie Alley, assistant principal, said. She pointed out that this theme, while not intended, has racial connotations.
“I don’t know if kids would take [the theme] too far, but I don’t want to give them that opportunity,” Alley said. The Student Government team has revised their theme, and have scheduled Friday as “Whiteout Day” instead. Overall, this change is trivial, but speaks volumes about the potential for racism in the high school environment.
Wesly Paxton, school principal, puts the matter simply. “The theme for Friday’s spirit day needed to be changed.”