Lobo Regiment Takes 3A First at Big Cat
Band makes first in 3A division at first ever Big Cat Marching Invitational
The Lobo Regiment warming up marching techniques at September 17th’s Jeffco Marching Invitational
Saturday saw the first Big Cat Marching Invitational, hosted by D’Evelyn and Lakewood High School at North Area Athletic Complex, or NAAC. The Lobo Regiment was one of two 3A bands at the competition being overshadowed by the 4A and 5A bands which were the majority of the 21 bands. Beating all of the 1A, 2A, and 3A bands Conifer places 15th overall, overtaking many 4A bands along the way.
The Lobo Regiment received a 61.35 with a half point penalty for leaving the front sideline when exiting the field. However the half point wouldn’t have affected the placement of the regiment. While the band was three places away from making finals, not a single member was upset due to the fierce competition faced by the larger bands.
As the Lobo Regiment took first in 3A on Saturday it gives a push for today’s performance at their Regionals Competition at Echo Park Stadium in Parker, Colorado.