Conifer’s Coffee Cart
Wyatt Bunch, Maddi Koskinen, Luke Whittington, Joel VanDyne, and Mack Teaff stop for a quick photo between teachers’ rooms as they collect coffee orders. Their “coffee cart” has been up and running for several weeks. “I buy coffee every time they come to see me,” Kari Fortik, English teacher, said.
Hi, my name is Joel, and I am a student in the Challenge Program. We do this thing in the Challenge Program called the “Coffee Cart.” We sell coffee to all the teachers during seminar. The cost is one dollar. We sell coffee, hot cocoa, and even tea.

Sydney Hoagland and Maddi Koskinen make crafts to help support the Challenge Program.
In the Challenge Program, we all do Christmas crafts to sell at craft shows to raise money so we can do fun things like bowling and field trips. At the last craft show we made $85.00. The crafts we made were Colorado flags, Christmas trees, log candle holders, and chalk boards.

Luke Whittington concentrates before throwing the ball down the alley at the Wild Game.
We went on a bowling trip to Wild Game in Evergreen, CO, on Friday, November 17. We took the middle schoolers along with us. We ate pizza and bowled, then we compared scores with other Jeffco High School Challenge Teams.